Promote our Conservative Values:
I’m a Christian first, a conservative second and a Republican third. My faith informed my conservative principles, and those principles led me to the Republican Party, and wanting to see it be a more effective vehicle for those principles.
My reason for being involved in politics has always been to make a difference for my conservative principles – and then to help other conservatives make a difference too. My goal for the Republican Party is that it becomes an even stronger, more successful vehicle for our shared conservative values.
I firmly support our pro-life, pro-family conservative SCGOP and RNC Party Platforms – and have helped lead efforts to KEEP them conservative for years. Issue by issue, they represent not only the traditional values that we stand for, but what draws other conservatives to our party.
But it’s one thing to know what you believe, and it’s another thing to be able to do something about it. And that’s where the political fundamentals come in.
Do the Fundamentals:
You can’t govern if you don’t win.
The simple fact is there are lots of things that a political party “could” do, but there’s a much smaller list of things that “only” the party can do. Those are the fundamentals. And those are the things we have to focus on if we’re going to win elections and have an impact on policy.
No matter how much things change, the fundamentals remain the same. In political terms that means 1) communicating a message that resonates with voters, 2) identifying, educating, recruiting and electing Republicans and 3) raising the money to make it all possible. No one else is going to identify, train and organize our activists, or raise money or communicate our conservative message for us. Everything that we do should relate to the fundamentals.
That’s been my record as State Chairman. And that’s still my commitment!