Drew McKissick was first elected SCGOP State Chairman in May of 2017.  He is a Columbia, SC based conservative grassroots activist with over thirty-five years of political experience and a passion for helping other conservatives learn how to make a difference. He specializes in political strategy, planning and organization as well as the development of grassroots political action programs.

He has served in elected and appointed positions at all levels of the Republican Party, from the local and state to the national level.  From 2023-2024 he served as the Co-Chairman of the Republican National Committee.  He also served as the Eastern Director for Faith Engagement for the RNC, helping engage the faith community towards voter registration and education programs.

He maintains a website (DrewMcKissick.com) and newsletter focused on tips for more effective conservative activism, and has written several books dealing with various aspects of political organization, campaigns and lobbying.

He is a member of Congaree Baptist Church in Gadsden.  He and his wife Amy reside in West Columbia, along with “Jasper” and “Abby”, their two very willful Boykin Spaniels.

He likes Elvis and beating Democrats.

You can connect with Drew on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram!

Republican Party Highlights:

  • SCGOP State Chairman
  • Co-Chairman of the Republican National Committee (2003-2004)
  • Rules Committee member, Republican National Committee
  • RNC Ballot Integrity Committee
  • Delegate to fifteen SCGOP state conventions
  • SCGOP Platform Committee
  • SCGOP Rules Committee
  • SCGOP Presidential Primary Task Force
  • Republican National Committeeman
  • Delegate to eight Republican National Conventions
  • Republican National Convention Rules Committee
  • Member: 2004, 2012, 2020, 2024 Electoral College from S.C.
  • Precinct President
  • County Committeeman
  • Member: SCGOP Silver Elephant Club, 1993 – present